I've long said that whether a film is good or fun are two very seperate critera that often get conflated in casual film criticism. You can get a lot of enjoyment from watching Sharknado, especially with your friends, and acknowledge that it is dogshit in terms of scripting, performance and production quality. Meanwhile, you're not going to have a good time watching Schindler's List, but you will know that you're seeing something incredibly well-crafted and effective. Asking if a film is queer is not an attempt to quantify some measure of quality, just me a lesbian speaking to whether a film, book, show or game acknowledges my existence to some degree. I'll also talk about if a piece of media is actively or passively queerphobic, but I don't intend to list out trigger warnings unless they specifically triggered me, this being a personal site; if you think something sounds interesting but have triggers to watch out for, I recommend Does The Dog Die!